We are Quoted!
We initiated our activities in 1999, offering translation and localization services focused on video games, entertainment, and technology. We have specialists from different areas, a strict quality control system and a high degree of commitment to deadlines and needs of our clients. We offer complete assistance in all stages of the localization process, ranging from a thorough translation to recording and delivery of finished audios. Contact us. We can do a lot for your product!
About Us
We are a veteran group of people passionate about what they do, especially when it comes to video games.
We are pioneers in the field of translation and game localization in Brazil, and have been working nonstop since 1999. Besides the field of gaming, we are also specialists in translation of protection software and products of related areas.
Our greatest motto is to ensure the excellency of our services since the initial contact with customers until the final delivery of each project.
Years of experience
Dubbed games
Localized games
Translation and Localization
Translation results from the direct conversion of the original text to the target language. The work involves the least possible adaptations, which are used only as a resource to maintain fluency of the translated content.
With localization, the focus is to adapt the original text to the cultural reality of the target language. It is a process with more creative freedom, seeking cultural approximation between the target audience and the product. Nevertheless, it is also quite delicate, because it needs to ensure that the original intention is preserved. Jokes, puns and slang are examples of content where this kind of work is fundamental to ensure insertion and acceptance of the product in the local culture. An example of success can be seen in the series “The Sims”, which gets a touch of our humor to adapt the original game to the taste and reality of Brazilians.
All in all, translation reproduces the original sense and intention, and localization adapts the original content so that it approaches the local reality and becomes more attractive to the player.
Translation and Localization
Translation and Localization
Translation and Localization
Translation and Localization
Translation and Localization
We are pioneers
in the field of translation and game localization
in Brazil, and have been working nonstop since 1999. Besides the field of
gaming, we are also specialists in translation of protection software and
products of related areas.
Audio - A fundamental part of the game localization process
Knowing that audio is a fundamental part of the game localization process, Quoted partnered with an excellent and experienced studio, Audioman.
For every project, we assign a PM to supervise the recorded audio and text to keep consistent the entire work. We centralize the whole workflow to provide a unique and easy contact in Brazil for all our clients, so we can dynamically solve everything related to the product localization.
Quoted and Audioman have staff for each main role to execute specific tasks, like recording and mixing engineers, voice over directors, producers, managers, and assistants. A dedicated team to achieve the best audio quality for videogames.
We can manage several productions at the same time, given their team and facilities: 3 fully equipped studios, along with audio booths.
Some of our clients
Best Mobile Game at Big Festival 2022
Most of our customers and procuts located by us cannot be included here due to existing confidentiality agreements.
Our team
Get in touch with us!
E-mail: quoted@quoted.com.br
Phone: +55 11 3854-7553 e +55 11 98933-1869
Rua dos Três Irmãos, 62 - Vila Progredior - São Paulo – SP - CEP: 05615-190